You’re Invited to the Shining Knight Gala, May 6 2017

This year’s 2017 Shining Knight Gala will be held on May 6th at the Richmond Convention Center and you are invited!

RollwithCole NFP is a proud Gold Knight sponsor of this amazing event, thanks to a generous, anonymous donation to our newly formed nonprofit. The Shining Knight Gala honors those who work to save the lives of VCU’s trauma patients and proceeds support the Injury and Violence Prevention Program at VCU.

Please consider joining us for this special evening and help us celebrate the first responders, trauma surgeons, critical care staff, and rehabilitation experts who saved the life of VCU’s Trauma Survivor of the Year, Hanover’s own Denise Gorondy! Meet Denise at the Gala and learn about the hit and run incident that critically injured her while she was out for a morning run and her inspiring road to recovery.

Congratulate Richard Bagby, this year’s recipient of the Cole SydnorTrauma Survivor Giving Back Award. Richard works tirelessly to mentor other trauma survivors and provides lifelong support to many through the United Spinal Association of Virginia. We are incredibly proud of this fine man. Learn about all he has done to give back to our community.

Tickets and sponsorships are available on line. We hope to see you there!